5008 (no5) Double Norwich Court Bob Major

A G Reading

I  m  W  b  h  V  i  M  w  B  f  H

               -                    - 34256

               -              -       35264

               -                    - 52364

               -                    - 23564

               -                     (52364)

-              -                    - 735246

               -                    - 357246

               -                    s 753246

               -                    - 537246

               -                    - 375246

               -                    s 573246

                                 -    43652

   -                    -            (452736)

      -                 -            (354726)

      -                 -        s   (437265)

         -                 -         (327465)

         -                 -         (247365)

         -                 -         (437265)

                              s      (437256)            

                           -         (247356)

         -                 -         (437256)

         -                 -         (327456)

   -           -                    - 43265

               -                    - 32465

               -                    - 24365

   s     s                           (374625)

                        -            (472635)

      -                 -            (374625)

      -                 -            (273645)

      -           s           -      (56324)

         s                          - 32654

               -                    - 26354

               -                    - 63254

                                 -   (427653)

         -                           (647253)

-                 -                  (627354)

-                 -                  (637452)

-                       -            (725364)

-                 -                  (735462)

-                 -                  (745263)

-                 -  s     -  s      (53246)  

              [-                    - 32546

               -                    - 25346

               -                    -]53246

   s     s                           (273456)

s              -                    - 63245

               -                    - 32645

               -                    - 26345

                                 -   (537246)                             

         s  s                       s 273564

                                 -   (63425)

         -  -           s            (43256)           

               -                    - 32456


2 Part

Call bracketed calls as HsVsVHH in either part.


Calls in bold capitals are 4ths place lead end calls.

Calls in lower case and normal type face are half lead 5ths place equivalents.


144 Cru

24 each 8765 (Inc Backrounds), 8756, 5678, 6578, 8567, 8657, 7658 & 7568 off the front.

24 each 8765, 8756, 8567, 8657, 7658, 7568, 2468 (Inc Kings & Queens) & 3468 (Inc Whittingtons) off the back.
