5024 (no3) Yorkshire Surprise Major

A G Reading

V   B   M   W   F   H

                    2 34256

            -       2 32546

            3       - 53246

-           3   -   - 46253

        -             26354

s       3             273546

s       -   -         53462

        s           3 23465

        s   2         36452

        -           - 24653

   -                  45236

            -       - 23456 


69 Cru Inc 24 56's, 18 65's and 17 46's

24 8765, 17 2468, 13 5432, 11 2345, 6 3456 at the back

15 8765, 12 5678, 9 8756 off the front

Backrounds Kings Queens


First rung at Bristol St Stephen on 25/01/07, conducted by Edward P D Colliss