5056 Caerphilly Surprise Major

A G Reading

O  W  F  V M/6 I  H (24356)

               q     32456

            -  q     63452

            3  -     56324

q  -        -  q    (45326)

   q              -  375462

         3     q     537462

            q        24563

                  q  45326

               q     34526

3q             q     53426

      -              647325            

-                 -  46352

X  -           Y    (65342)

         -           753624

-  q  -        2q    24356





X = O/I/F

Y = I/F/O


Start and finish at the treble's backstroke snap.


24 each 5678, 8765, 144 little bell rollups (Inc 24 each 7654, 3456, 6543, 2345, 16 each 4567, 5432) at the back.

24 each 5678, 8765, 48 little bell rollups off the front.



First rung at Caerphilly on 27/08/16 conducted by the composer