5088 Ballam Delight Major

A G Reading

F   T   W   M   B   V   H (43256)

                        2  32456

        -       X          53426

        -   -           2  56432

                -       -  56324

                -       -  56243

            -   -   ss  -  26453

            3       s      274536

s       3                  34526

    s       3       s   -  42653

                -         (25436)

        -               -  43256


Start and finish at the treble's backstroke snap.


X = B/F/I


24 each 5678, 8765, 62 little bell rollups at the back.

24 each 5678, 8765, 52 little bell rollups off the front.

Reverse Waterfall, Kings, Waterfall, Backrounds.


First rung ar Barrow Gurney on 10/02/23, conducted by the composer