5160 Bristol Surprise Royal
A G Reading
234567890     Calls   Leads
987654320      1,3      4
867452390      5,7      9
765432098      5,7      8
645239078      5,7      9
543209876      5,7      8
423907856      5,7      9
320987654      5,7      8
290785634      5,7      9
098765432      5,7      8 
325469078  3,5,s12,s13 13
452369078     s4,s5     9
452309876     3,5,7     8
234509876      4,5      9
543267890  1,s4,s5,8,9  9
234567890     s4,s5     9
8ths Place calls
224 4-bell runs, inc 82 5-bell runs, inc 27 6-bell runs at the back.
272 4-bell runs, inc 96 5-bell runs, inc 33 6-bell runs off the front.
First rung at Birmingham St Paul on 04/10/10, conducted by the composer